terça-feira, outubro 25, 2005

ROSA PARKS (4/2/1913-24/10/2005)

No dia 1 de Dezembro de 1955 Rosa Parks decidiu nao ceder o seu lugar no autocarro a um homem branco porque estava cansada. Tinha trabalhado o dia todo e tinha tanto direito como qualquer um, branco ou negro, a viajar sentada. Rosa nao sabia que ao nao se levantar tinha posto em marcha o movimento pelos direitos civis nos Estados Unidos.
'What one lesson would you like to leave with students? I always encourage children to stay in school, get good grades, and to believe in themselves. Of course they should take care of their health and keep themselves from certain things that would be detrimental to them either physically or mentally. They should be sure to get the best education that they can and choose careers that they can be progressive in as they go into their adulthood. In our Pathways to Freedom Institute and our Institute for Self Development, we take young people on trips and give them opportunities to meet many civil rights leaders. We teach them to be good citizens and do what they can do to help other people as they become successful themselves. I urge children to have a spiritual awareness in their lives. If children work towards a positive goal in life, it will help them be successful when they become adults.

What do you think still needs to be done in regards to civil rights?
People need to free their minds of racial prejudice and believe in equality for all and freedom regardless of race. We need much more education — especially those who are narrow-minded. We need as much financial security as we can get. I think it would be a good thing if all people were treated equally and justly and not be discriminated against because of race or religion or anything that makes them different from others.

Do you think the relationships between the different races are where they should be today?
There is still as much racism among some people. It still exists, but we are not under the legally enforced segregation that we used to be. There are still people who are prejudiced because of race. The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute accepts people of any race. We don't discriminate against anyone. We teach people to reach their highest potential. I set examples by the way I lead my life.
Excerto de uma entrevista com Rosa Parks
Fico contente que tenha morrido tranquilamente em sua casa, num pais mais justo do que aquele em que nasceu. Nao sei se no computo geral o saldo e muito positivo, mas pelo menos ninguem tem que ceder o lugar no autocarro por ter nascido desta ou daquela cor.


At 9:22 da tarde, Blogger Leonor said...

Gostei da homenagem. É um marco da história americana.


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